Zagreb, Croatia 2002:
It was a cold, rainy autumn day. I was sitting in my office cubicle where I was working as a software developer in Siemens, Croatia. I saw a little wet sparrow outside by my window. Raindrops were sliding down the window glass making random patterns and shapes and RAINBOW was looking at me behind the big, grey building across the street.
I immediately noticed that nobody else in the room was paying any attention to all this Humble, Natural Magic and Beauty. My colleagues were simply consumed with business talk and Numbers, living ‘inside their heads’, gazing at their computer screens as if they were ‘hypnotized’.
Right then, I decided that I didn’t (and still DON’T) want to live like that! I wanted to SEE the world and run with the kids on the beach. I wanted to be FREE. Like that Sparrow. Outdoors. Like a Child. Outside the Cage.
During the same year I received the award from the prominent international art photography exhibition held in Croatia. I gave the awarded monochrome photo the title “Unbearable Lightness Of Being”. It featured two naked female models behind bars captured in a medieval castle in Slovenia.
Soon I was ready to quit my job and buy the plane ticket to Bali…
So Here I Am.